With ail the Northmen's power ,
And ail the Frankish thrall . Vex not our peaceful Présent
With more than fleeting stain ; But the light of God is o'er us ,
The sigasofGod remain.
A peine si notre paisible époque se ressent des tristes souvenirs de la bataille de Vorganium, des murailles de Péran , dont Torigine semble douteuse , de la puissance des Normands , de la domination des Francs ; la lumière de Dieu brille sur nos fronts , tout ce que Dieu a signé de sa main nous reste.
Yes ! for we meet as brothers
And gaze on ail around , Christians 'mid Christian worship ,
Britons on British ground. Beside your Gouet's waters
Our Brieuc came to dwell , And reared bis lowly Chapel
By Orel's blessed Well : And where that ancient City
Lifts Heavenward still her eyes — Calm lake ne'ar life's mad torrent —
Our Paul of Léon lies : And ours the warlike Samson
Who gave her famé to Dol , And ours the gentle Malo
Whom love made strong of soûl. Even so , in m.utual blessing ,
Your sons of saintly name To Cymru's guardian mountains
With princely Cadvan came : And many a hallowed tower ,
And many a crag and civm , Sure spring , and lonely sea-marge ,
Their life and death illume.
Oui, nous nous rencontrons en frères; voyant tout ce